Hi my name is Craig Kilby,
I would like to take a moment to introduce myself to our members, as I am extremely honoured to have been elected to the post of President at Powerchair Sports Victoria’s Annual General Meeting 2022/23, held recently.
I have been an active committee member since 2012 and proudly took on the role of Vice-President in 2015. During my time on the committee, I have worked on many projects to help grow the organisation and help raise awareness of powerchair sports to the broader community.
During my time as Vice President, VEWSA signed a MOU with football Victoria to align our activities with the state football association.
I have also had the opportunity to directly speak with Football Australia Chairman Chris Nikou and CEO James Johnson, talking about our sport and seeking their ideas on our to promote our sport.
I played a leading role alongside the then President Luke David, in the establishment of both the Melbourne City and South Melbourne Powerchair Football Club. As well as being an active member of the Powerchair Sports Committee I am the president of South Melbourne Powerchair football club and involved in the day to day operations of the club.
I played a key role in introducing Powerchair football to Victoria. I worked closely with the VEWSA committee to launch new competitions, helping with the introduction of Hockey into our sporting calendar and guide our organisation into a new chapter with our rebranding to Powerchair Sports Victoria.
I would like to thank all of our members for their continued support.
I look forward to working with our committee over the next 12 months. I will be looking at ways we can continue our growth, both Powerchair Football and Powerchair Hockey.
After a successful club championships campaign, where South Melbourne missed finals on goal difference, shows the skill level of our players is on the rise, as a result of midweek training sessions and increased skills training.
The next phase of change required for our continued growth I feel is a working partnership With football Victoria for promotion and resources.
I am a believer that everyone of all ages and abilities can and should lead an active inclusive lifestyle where possible.
Bring on the next year!
Kind regards
Craig Kilby
P.S.V – President