2022 Annual General Meeting
2022 Annual General Meeting When: Sunday October 2nd, 2022 Time: 1230hrs Where: Please join us on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88099689827?pwd=d0ZxTTRSQU44QkZwQ0E5c3NEMXp5dz09 Meeting ID: 880 9968 9827 Passcode: 782990 Dear...
/ 4 years agoRETURN TO PLAY
Returning to play in a safe, hygienic and controlled manner is paramount to Powerchair Sports Victoria. The safety and well-being of...
/ 4 years ago2020/21 Committee Announcement
Our very first virtual Annual General Meeting yesterday was a fantastic success with 25 attendees present. Following the AGM yesterday we...
/ 4 years agoCraig Kilby Resigns from Vice-President Position
Powerchair Sports Victoria sadly announces the resignation of our Vice President, Craig Kilby. Craig has been involved as a committee member...
/ 5 years agoCOVID-19 Update | Return to Play
We understand everyone is deeply disappointed and frustrated by the recent announcement to reinstate lockdown for the next six weeks, and...
/ 5 years agoPSV Statement: Update on COVID-19 (March 19)
Powerchair Sports Victoria has today confirmed that all remaining events in March and April have been cancelled. We believe this decision...
/ 5 years agoPSV Statement: COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Powerchair Sports Victoria is keeping a close eye on the coronavirus situation. We understand the situation is evolving day-by-day and we...
/ 5 years agoIntroducing Powerchair Sports Victoria
Introducing the newest chapter in our journey, Powerchair Sports Victoria. For the past 30 years, we have been known as Victorian...
/ 5 years agoAnnual General Meeting 2019 Details
The Victorian Electric Wheelchair Sports Association Annual General Meeting will be held on November 24 at Aquahub, 11 Civic Square, Croydon...