Powerchair Sports Victoria is keeping a close eye on the coronavirus situation. We understand the situation is evolving day-by-day and we will do our best to keep all of our players, volunteers and supporters informed.
At this moment, all PSV rounds and events are still scheduled to run as planned. All rounds and internal events will however be closed off to non-players and to the public. This is to keep our group size small and minimise the risk of any spread of the illness.
It is very important that if any player, frequent volunteer, support worker or family member is feeling unwell or not sure about their health to not attend. We urge any member to keep us informed if there is a likelihood that someone has been exposed.
Members will be updated further as the situation continues to unfold. We will continue to update you as we receive more news and will do our best to answer any questions you may have. Please keep an eye out for our social media accounts and website for any event cancellations or updates.
Please head to https://www.health.gov.au/healt…/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov for more information.
Stay safe,
Luke David