Perth Glory Current Players Current Players 7 Abdullah Karim 25 Aiden Jones 95 Anthony Ambrosini 29 Dylan Needham 6 Rebecca Evans 20 Sarah Kerr Leagues & Competitions Click on the leagues and competitions below to view the standings and match results: APFA Club Championship 2020 APFA Club Championship 2019 APFA Club Championship 2018 player STATISTICS CURRENT PLAYER CAREER STATISTICS (ALL CLUBS, ALL COMPETITIONS)PlayerTeamPositionPowerchairGoalsAppearancesAbdullah KarimPoweroosStrikeForce89Aiden JonesPerth GloryStrikeForce19Anthony AmbrosiniPerth GloryStrikeForce09Dylan NeedhamPerth GloryStrikeForce09Rebecca EvansPoweroos U21ForwardStrikeForce79Sarah KerrPerth GloryStrikeForce39 Former Players FORMER PLAYER CAREER STATISTICS (ALL CLUBS, ALL COMPETITIONS)PlayerTeamPositionPowerchairGoalsAppearancesJakob RatnayekePerth Glory-00Jason LewisPerth Glory-00Justin NewmanPerth Glory-00Pat Edmonds-StrikeForce00