Player Interview: Shaun Millett
Luke David from Powerchair Sports Victoria recently caught up with Shaun Millett from Melbourne City and Melbourne Hunters Powerchair Teams. PSV: Welcome Shaun, thanks for allowing...
/ 4 years agoLuke David Claims WSW Powerchair Player of the Year 2019
Congratulations to our very own Luke David who won the Western Sydney Wanderers Powerchair Team 2019 Powerchair Player of the Year...
/ 4 years agoCraig Kilby Resigns from Vice-President Position
Powerchair Sports Victoria sadly announces the resignation of our Vice President, Craig Kilby. Craig has been involved as a committee member...
/ 5 years agoPlayer Interview: ‘It was an incredible experience being able to represent my country considering I didn’t think I’d be able to play sport at all’
Powerchair Sports Victoria recently caught up with Shaun Mott from South Melbourne and Melbourne Hunters Powerchair Teams. PSV: Welcome Shaun, thank...
Melbourne City
/ 7 years agoFootball Nation Radio Interview
Our President and team member of the Victorian Powerchair Football Team, Luke David was interviewed by Football Nation Radio this morning....
/ 8 years agoRun Melbourne 2017 Success!
Luke, Tim and Shaun took part in Run Melbourne 2017 on July 30 to raise awareness and fundraise for Victorian Electric...
/ 8 years agoShaun Mott Fundraising For Strikeforce
This campaign is aimed to raise money for one of our newest athletes, Shaun Mott and his goal to purchase a...