Powerchair Sports Victoria (PSV) is pleased to release the 2021 Pride Mobility Victorian Powerchair League Calendar to our powerchair football community today.
The calendar includes dates for all VPL rounds.
2021 VPL Powerchair Football Fixture
We’d like to thank everyone in our community for their patience and efforts towards getting powerchair football back up and running. It was an incredibly challenging year for Victoria and while we are all hopeful of an uninterrupted 2021 season, the fixture will need to be flexible and adapt to any changes in restrictions, should COVID-19 impact our state in 2021.
During the downtime, we have been working hard to improve and expand our competition programs and we are very excited to welcome Pride Mobility as our major sponsor for 2021! Pride Mobility has sponsored powerchair sports in Victoria for many years but we are excited for them to jump on board as naming rights sponsors this year for the Victorian Powerchair League.

Despite getting back into powerchair football, there remains some challenges to get powerchair hockey restarted in 2021. For over 20 years, we had a fantastic relationship with Aquahub in Croydon. Due to the fact we are unable to play at Aquahub any longer we are now looking for a new venue to call home. We thank Aquahub for all of the support over the past two decades and we look forward to finding a new permanent venue for Powerchair Sports Victoria.
The last official match of powerchair hockey was back in November 2019 and we are disappointed that our community will need to wait longer for the next match. Unfortunately due to not having a home to store our equipment, we are unable to transport our hockey rink to and from venues. This does mean powerchair hockey will not be played during the 2021 VPL Season, however we are committed to ensuring hockey will be back later this year.
In these challenging times, we are very lucky to have Storage King – Mitcham sponsor us for another 12 months where they will support us in storing our equipment until we find a new home.

The PSV Committee has worked hard over the past few months to update the competition rules (see link below). These rules will help us build a more competitive and professional competition over the next few years. We are also excited to announce that is our intention to live-stream all Division 1 matches this season. Make sure you tune in via our Facebook page to catch all the action!
Victorian Powerchair League Governing Rules
We look forward to welcoming players, members, volunteers and our fans back onto the court and we have no doubt this season will be one to remember. Special thanks go out to Melbourne City FC, City in the Community and South Melbourne FC for their continued support of powerchair football in Victoria. The Pride Mobility 2021 VPL season will be the biggest and best season yet.