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Australian Sliders Fundraise for World Championship!

A squad of nine have been selected to represent the green and gold at the Powerchair Hockey World Championships in Italy this September! This will be a massive trip for the squad but also very costly in terms of flights, accommodation, support workers, and having legal Powerchairs to play in. Every year, powerchair athletes from around Australia, pour their heart, soul and money in to achieving their sporting dreams. Unlike mainstream sports, Powerchair Sports don’t get the credit they deserve, they don’t have the same backing from the media, sponsors, the government, and everyday Aussies. 

Below are links to a few of the individual fundraising pages as well as for the team! Please support them in any way you can.

Shaun Mott (VIC):

Luke David (VIC):

Chantel & Santo Bongiovanni (SA):

Jonathan Grigg (SA):…

Kieran Watts (NSW):

Australian Powerchair Hockey Association (APCHA) and the Australian Sliders:…/australian-powerchair-hocke…